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Horizons Announces January 2016 Distributions for Certain Active ETFs

21/01/16 - 12:00 am

TORONTO – January 20, 2016 – Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. and its affiliate AlphaPro Management Inc. (collectively “Horizons ETFs”) are pleased to announce the distribution amounts per unit (the “Distributions”) for certain of the Horizons ETFs family of exchange traded funds (the “ETFs”), for the period ending January 31, 2016, as indicated in the table below.

The ex-dividend date for the Distributions is anticipated to be January 27, 2016, for all unitholders of record on January 29, 2016. The Distributions will be paid in cash, or if the unitholder has enrolled in the respective ETF’s dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), reinvested in additional units of the applicable ETF, on or about February 10, 2016.

Horizons ETFs will make an additional announcement of the January distributions for its family of covered call exchange traded funds on or about January 21, 2016.


Symbol Distribution per Unit Annualized Yield * Frequency
HAB 0.03015 0.0337 Monthly
HAB.A 0.02521 0.0282 Monthly
HAD 0.02429 0.0288 Monthly
HAD.A 0.01956 0.0232 Monthly
HAF 0.02821 0.0466 Monthly
HAF.A 0.02485 0.0411 Monthly
HAJ 0.01996 0.0208 Monthly
HAJ.A 0.01178 0.0123 Monthly
HAL 0.03205 0.0311 Monthly
HAL.A 0.02336 0.0227 Monthly
HAU 0.01688 0.0191 Monthly
HAU.A 0.00937 0.0106 Monthly
HAZ 0.03536 0.0225 Monthly
HAZ.A 0.02217 0.0141 Monthly
HFP 0.03168 0.0523 Monthly
HFP.A 0.02816 0.0464 Monthly
HFR 0.01552 0.0188 Monthly
HFR.A 0.01066 0.0129 Monthly
HMP 0.01977 0.0237 Monthly
HMP.A 0.01506 0.0180 Monthly
HPR 0.03237 0.0523 Monthly
HPR.A 0.02895 0.0467 Monthly
HSL 0.02835 0.0351 Monthly
HSL.A 0.02387 0.0296 Monthly
HUF.U 0.00683 0.0083 Monthly
HUF 0.00683 0.0083 Monthly
HUF.V 0.00224 0.0027 Monthly
HYI 0.04881 0.0652 Monthly
HYI.A 0.04462 0.0595 Monthly

* Based on the applicable January 19, 2016 net asset value per unit which is available at
(1) Distributions for Horizons Active US Floating Rate Bond (USD) ETF are declared and paid in U.S. dollars, including those listed under the Canadian dollar traded ticker HUF. The approximate Canadian dollar equivalent distribution rate for HUF is $0.00994 per unit.

Distributions for the ETFs will vary from period to period.

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Global X Investments Canada Inc. (« Global X ») est une filiale en propriété exclusive de Mirae Asset Global Investments Co., Ltd. (« Mirae Asset »), l’entité de gestion d’actifs de Mirae Asset Financial Group établie en Corée. Global X est une société constituée sous le régime des lois du Canada et est le gestionnaire, le gestionnaire de placements et le fiduciaire des Fonds Global X.

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